Little Miss Avery seems to have gotten the shaft around here.
Not for lack of love or adorable behavior.
Just for lack of focus on my part.
I think I should start a savings account right now…
for my girls’ therapy from not having baby books.
I know, I know.
What kind of mother doesn’t make a baby book for her children??
This kind.
I don’t even know exactly why.
Maybe I’m too lazy?
In my lame defense, I did buy a notebook before Grace was born and I’ve jotted some stuff in it through the years, but I think it’s been a year since I last wrote in it.
Following suit, I bought a notebook for Avery and started it out by writing down her birth story. In the past two weeks she’s had a bajillion “firsts” so I have plans to capture those too.
We have also saved the locks of hair from both girls’ first “haircuts” but that’s about the extent of the documentation.
Other than ye ole blog.
So I’m gonna photobomb some A Master A (Avery) and jot down some of the latest happenings.
She’s such a good-natured baby. For the most part she’s pretty chill and content. The highlight of her trip to Chic-fil-A was chewing on the cardboard sandwich box. LOL
She did really well on our vacation and seemed to enjoy her time in the pool and on the beach. I hope she’s a water baby!
She’s currently eating solid foods 3 times each day (since her 6 month checkup). So far she’s eaten avocado, sweet potato, banana, green beans, broccoli, asparagus, spinach, rutabaga, pear, peas, blueberries, oatmeal, black beans, puffs and random scraps of what we’re eating. She seems to like avocado, banana, oatmeal and sweet potatoes best. She did NOT like asparagus.
She’s been to the county fair and the the zoo and very recently has shown a big interest in animals. She practically crawled out of my arms trying to reach my grandma’s cat and she was really interested in the dogs we saw this weekend at the Ferndale DIY street fair.
She’s really friendly with strangers, but makes you work pretty hard for a smile! She’s observant and seems to always be taking everything in thoughtfully.
We thought she was going to be laid back and take more after her daddy’s personality than mine, but she’s not so chill all the time. But he’s proving not to be as laid back as we thought either!
She has been one-arm army crawling for a while and we just love to watch her go!
On 09/01/13 she went from army crawling to a sitting position for the first time, mimicked me signing “more” while she was eating, and clapped her hands on command. It was a big day!
She’s still taking 2 naps each day. Usually from about 10am till noon and then again from about 2pm-4pm. Bedtime is 8:00 and she sleeps till 7 or 8 the next morning. I’m so thankful that she likes to sleep as much as I do! Lol
I’m also really thankful for Baby Wise :)
Right now she’s wearing 12 month and 18 month clothes which is mind boggling! Grace was such a tiny peanut and always wore exactly her age-sized clothes or smaller. Grace didn’t outgrow NB size until she was 3 months old!
Avery has been wearing 12 month stuff since she was 6 months old. I absolutely love her little rolls and could eat her sweet thighs for dessert!
It’s also super convenient that she’s so much bigger than Grace was…all of Grace’s hand-me-downs work perfectly even though she was born in the opposite season.
I’m so very thankful for my happy, sweet, healthy baby girl and feel so privileged to be her mama and to get to watch her grow up into her own little person.
carol says
What a sweet little chubby bump-a-kin :)
The Galloping Gourmet says
She’s a CUTEY!!!!
David says
My favorite is the foot (needing the nail clipping); there’s something so Seuss about it! Love it!
Ellen says
You captured our sweet Aves beautifully!
Laurie Kroll says
What a sweet peach!!! She is my precious Avery Jane! I agree, she is edible!!!!
Love, love, love that baby…..
Aunt Becky says
So sweet this precious baby girl! Thanks for sharing her story with us…love you all so much!
Kate Gingery says
She’s so cute, Rebecca! I know I told you when I saw you at Marie’s but I LOVE YOUR HAIR BLONDE! It looks so pretty!