If you follow me on Intagram you may have noticed that I’ve become pretty addicted to their new feature: Insta Stories.
They are basically 10 second video or photo clips that go away after 24 hours. It’s a way to keep up with Snapchat which has taken the world by storm. Snapchat is a little challenging to navigate, so I abandoned that ship pretty quickly.
Instagram is my favorite social media app, so when they rolled this feature out, I figured I had to give it a try.
I’ve been at it for several days now, and while all of my early clips are long gone, the stuff I posted today is available to watch, at least until tomorrow.
If you’re on Instagram and you’d like a laugh at my expense, I encourage you to check them out :)
You can either click through to my profile and then click on my profile picture:
or you should see a row of Insta stories of people you follow along the top of your home feed screen.
Just make sure your phone’s volume is on (not set to vibrate), click on the circle, turn your volume up and watch :)
It’s been a blast sharing random snippets of my life and silliness with the friends and family who follow me on Instagram. The 10 second clips are pretty brief for this wordy gal, so I’m often getting cut off!
The more I’ve thought about this and the more I’ve been spending time with God, sorting out this season of my life, I’ve had some realizations.
Jennie Allen is currently leading an online Bible study called Humble & Bold (click HERE to get more info) and her first session really got me thinking.
I decided to create a video with what’s been rolling around my head about all this…

I am addicted to your videos! It makes me feel like you’re close, even in my livingroom, telling me about life. Keep them coming! You are such a great communicator! Love you.❤️