Oh my goodness you guys.
I was feeling crafty the other day and started browsing things I’d pinned ages ago on Pinterest and I stumbled across this one. I thought it would be fun to grab a few things from Joann’s to start making some of these felt “busy bags” to help entertain the girls in the afternoon, or Avery while Grace and I are doing school.
It started innocently enough…
A little “under the sea” set with a few fish and some seaweed.
Then it was a butterfly set to mix and match…
It was fun snipping away at the table, listening to music and creating things the girls would have fun with.
A fun rainbow that they love singing the “Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, it’s a rainbow!” song while putting together :)
A Christmas tree…
Then I started making the face set and that’s where everything went a little crazy!
The original post shows this fun and silly pic:
So I got started making our own face set. I knew the girls would really only want to put together girl faces, so I started with a couple of girls…
And I got hooked! It’s been so fun to create different hair, jewelry, eyes, lips and shirts!
Grace love love loves fashion, so we decided it would be fun to make some smaller people with clothing…
She has a “go-to” outfit that she pretty much wears all the time: purple tank top, leopard print cardigan, black pants and brown riding boots. So naturally we had to create a “mini-Grace” felt girl :)
I started texting my sister photos of our creations and she suggested that I make felt people representing her and her long-haired, bearded husband.
As soon as she said that, I immediately became intrigued with the idea of making a beard! LOL
I’m hooked I tell you, totally hooked!
My sister joked with me about making a felt lipstick, so I had to oblige :) But I couldn’t stop there, so I did a whole makeup set!
The original post had a fun plate and utensil set that inspired me to make some felt food. I may have gotten a little carried away!
The craziest thing about all of this is that I cannot draw. Like, AT ALL.
I put pencil to paper and pretty much come up with stick figures or very distorted images. I just cannot seem to turn what’s in my head into anything remotely close on the page.
But with felt, and no tracing or templates whatsoever, I’m somehow able to create things that look like what I’m imagining!
Free hand! Just a blank sheet of felt and my sharp little scissors and this fun stuff comes together! I’m pretty much in shock that it turns out at all, let alone looking like what I imagine!
I cannot stop laughing at how funny it is that I’m a 35 year old woman who is enamored with cutting things out of felt, but it is what it is and I’m having fun!
My sister can’t stop laughing about it either which makes me laugh even more!
Plus, the girls really do like to play with the sets which makes it feel like a worthwhile pursuit and not just a waste of time!
Every time I think I’ve probably finished making everything I want to make, I get an inspiration to do something else! LOL
So, there you have it. I may not have blogged in the past 2 weeks and I may have a million and one deep and emo things that are on my mind and that I want to dissect here on the blog, but I’m too busy cutting things out of felt!
I’ll hopefully be back soon with a life update and a few recipes…
If you don’t hear from me, you can assume I’m sitting at my dining room table snipping away like Edward Scissorhands!

De-Lurking to say that one of my fondest memories growing up was our felt advent calendar. It was a large tree and we put a new ornament on it every day. Saturdays were chains that attached to hooks and eyes and Sundays were two candles that were put on each side. We started at the bottom and worked our way up to the Star that went on for Christmas Eve. Thanks for bringing that memory back.
Hi Nancy,
Thanks so much for de-lurking to leave a comment! I’m very nostalgic and appreciated you sharing your advent calendar memory with me :) Thanks so much for reading my blog!