Remember how I told you I was wearing a red scarf for 30 days to help raise awareness for human trafficking?
Well it’s day 17 and I’m getting kind of tired of it.
Isn’t that terrible?!
I’ve been faithfully wearing it everyday; even when I don’t go anywhere and it’s just layered over my yoga pants and t-shirt. I’m committed to stick with it, but it’s getting old.
I bought a few new shirts, scarves and necklaces that I’m excited to wear, but layering my red scarf over them really clashes, so I’ve been holding off on wearing my new clothes.
It occurred to me today that I might be getting tired of wearing this red scarf for a measly 30 days, but the poor innocent girls and women who are victims of sex trafficking are subjected to unspeakable things EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.
The VERY LEAST I can do is wear a red scarf for 30 days in a small attempt to bring awareness to this problem.
Every time I look down at my scarf and wish I didn’t “have” to wear it, I’m reminding myself of all of the precious young girls who need my prayers.
When I want to wear a new scarf or put together an outfit sans red scarf, I’m remembering to pray. To pray fervently for all of the victims. To pray justice will come to the men who enslave them.
I have 13 days left and I’m going to make them count. I don’t care how much it clashes with my outfit or how many times I spill food on it, I’m going to rock this red scarf and pray my heart out about this issue!
Laurie Kroll says
You are such a blessing, I love and appreciate your honesty!!!