Family Thanksgiving November 26, 2005 We decided to use Thanksgiving as an opportunity to take our annual family picture. This is when a tripod would have come in handy! I had to prop the camera up on a stack of cds! Oh well, it worked!
soulgr4ffiti4rtist says November 28, 2005 at 1:17 am Who uses tripods anymore? haha…true photographers NEVER do, I can tell you that much. :-) Reply
belovedone1023 says November 26, 2005 at 9:49 pm I love the red hair!!! Can’t wait to see it for real. Are we still on for cookies? Reply
Who uses tripods anymore? haha…true photographers NEVER do, I can tell you that much. :-)
I love the red hair!!! Can’t wait to see it for real. Are we still on for cookies?