Okay, so it’s been way too long since I last posted. Last Friday I was supposed to open my head on a hinge and pour all my thoughts out onto the keyboard so they would materialize on my humble little blog. Then I ran out of time and had to go to a meeting so I vowed to post again on Monday. However, little did I know that I would catch the flu from my adorable niece and nephew who started puking sometime late Saturday evening while all the adults were chatting and drinking delicious strong coffee flavored with french vanilla creamer. We spent Sunday afternoon with the sick little munchkins too, and I wound up sick on Monday morning. At least this time it was a decent day to be sick. My last sick days were wasted on a Saturday and Sunday which prevented me from using any of my 50 or so sick days and getting out of going to work on a regularly scheduled day. That’s like being kicked while you’re down.
So, Monday and Tuesday I wasn’t feeling well and I spent my days reading, journaling and watching daytime television. Ah, what bliss! So basically yesterday was my first workday of the week and today is pretty much my last since I have to be at the airport tomorrow morning at 10:30 to catch a flight to Reagan National Airport in Washington D.C. where I will attend the world’s longest and most boring annual meeting ever. About an hour and a half of my entire weekend will be spent in a gathering that is relevant and insightful. The rest of the time I might as well be a Peanut’s character listening to the horn-like drone of a variety of irksome speakers. At least they put me up in a really nice room at the Marriot.
Anyway, last night we got together with friends of ours Mike and Karen (I had to crop her picture so it’s blurry, but trust me, she’s gorgeous) to have dinner and hang out. We ate a yummy pasta dinner with crusty italian bread that was coated with roasted sesame seeds and a lovely salad that Karen put together (so I actually enjoyed it…I only like salads made by other people, never my own…I’m so weird). After that we played Trivial Pursuit Pop Culture DVD edition and the guys smoked us! The wager was whichever team won the game got to pick the movie…I was desperate to win so I wouldn’t have to suffer through a hard core guy movie, but the guys won and the movie was Black Hawk Down which I actually enjoyed. Next time we’ll have to play a game that I’m really good at!
We feasted on home-made chocolate chip cookie and vanilla ice cream sandwiches that melted all over the place and gave me a giant tummy ache! Then we all settled in on the hide-a-bed and enjoyed the show!

hi! i was here finally. though you probably won’t be back to check now that it’s September – 6 months, not bad. we actually just got together two nights ago and again ate enough ice cream to make ourselves sick – this isn’t good.
It was so nice to see both Katie and Spencer and Mike and Karen! They all look great! I am drooling thinking about the ice cream cookie sandwiches… I love your blog!!! I love you too… Mom :)