It’s been a while since my last “Things I’m Loving Lately” post and I have some new favorites to share!
1. Fels-Naptha Soap
I’ve mentioned this soap before in my Homemade Laundry Soap post, but it’s so much more than just an ingredient in that recipe! This stuff is probably THE BEST stain remover I’ve used. Grace is a messy eater and I’m prone to spilling too, so I’ve gotten to be pretty darn good at removing stains. I keep a bottle of Shout! stain remover on the first floor and also in the laundry area. This is my first stop (as soon as the stain occurs if possible), but some stains are just really stubborn. Enter Fels-Naptha. I just wet the stain and rub the bar of soap right on it for a minute or so. Then toss it in the wash and voila! I think every single stain I’ve fought with this miracle bar has had to surrender. A bar is only about a buck, so grab one and keep it handy for stain treating!
2. Breaking Bad
You guys. This show has been my recent television addiction. Thank goodness for Netflix allowing me to plow through the first 4 seasons at rapid speed. The cliffhangers at the end of each episode are killer! I don’t think I could have waited a week during the regular seasons to see what happened next. I’ve just watched all that Netflix currently has stocked, so now I’m anxiously awaiting season 5. This show isn’t for everyone due to the raw and often violent content, but it’s been totally riveting so I had to include it in my faves!
3. Be Maternity Leggings
I’ve been very slow to hop on the “leggings bandwagon” mostly due to the fact that my legs are not my most favorite feature. I’m all about chicks with slim, shapely legs wearing leggings, but I was very skeptical about my meaty thighs being covered in spandex.
Until I got to be 7 months pregnant and pretty uncomfortable.
I was at Target a couple weeks ago and decided to try on a pair of their Be Maternity Leggings. I was pretty much sold right there in the dressing room. These things are soft and stretchy and so very comfortable! I have one dress that I knew I could wear with them, but that was about the only thing I could think of to pair with my spandex-clad bottom half. You see, it’s pretty much a given that you must cover yourentire rear end when wearing leggings. I don’t want to see anyone’s booty no matter how shapely it is. Appropriate coverage usually comes in the form of long shirts and sweaters but I knew I didn’t have anything long enough to cover my derriere. Fortunately Old Navy had two cute “booty covering” dresses that I picked up to pair with my new leggings. Now, I can be comfy and stylish while I finish cooking this bun!
4. My Leading Edge Bible Study
I started the Emerging Journey Bible study in September and I’m totally loving it. The program is called Leading Edge at our church and it’s an in-depth 9-month Bible study. I’m not even very far into it yet, but God is already using it to challenge and shape me. I am part of a group of awesome women taking this journey together and I can’t wait to see how God uses this in each of our lives over this next year.
5. Coca Cola
This one is crazy. Normally I’m not a pop drinker. Yes, pop. I’m from the Midwest, so that’s what I call it. I wish I was a nice Southern girl who called it soda, but alas, I’m not.
I’ve been exceptionally tired lately. Between my massive to-do list and the late nights I’ve been up painting, watching Breaking Bad or both, I’ve been downright tired almost every day. I often spend the morning lounging around while Grace plays or watches TV (the shame!). By lunchtime I need a pick-me-up and the cold, red cans in the fridge call to me. That sweet, fizzy goodness goes down easy and perks me right up! I’ve been good about not having any the past few days, but more than ever before Coca Cola is such a temptation for me!
These are a few of the things that have been floating my boat lately. Are you loving anything right now that I should know about??