I’m thankful for my iPhone.
I know that may sound totally shallow, but I seriously love the little machine and how much it helps me in my day to day life…
Running to target?
Make a quick list on my Reminders app and check it off as I shop!
Want to capture a funny moment with Grace?
Whip out my handy phone camera which takes great pictures! If the shot isn’t as good as I had hoped, I can add a filter on Instagram to spruce it up!
Need to look up a word?
Google it!
Need directions to a new place (or a place I’ve been to a million times but can never remember how to get to)?
Enter it into the map app and the phone will talk me through how to get there!
Want to use an email coupon at Joann Fabrics but forgot to print it out?
Have the cashier scan the barcode right off the phone screen!
Hear an awesome worship song at church and want to listen to it later?
Look it up on iTunes and buy it right then and there! (I did this two weeks ago and have been loving Yearn by Shane & Shane.
Keep up with 69 blogs every day?
Add them all to my Google Reader and link it to the Newsify app on my phone! (Yes, that’s the actual number of blogs I follow)
Want to claim a great deal on an adorable necklace from Caroline G Shop without whipping out the clunky laptop?
Go through the whole order process seamlessly from the phone!
Need to keep up with my 30 days of thankfulness blog commitment this month but too sore to get off the couch?
Write this post from the WordPress app on my phone! (True story)
I could probably write a whole romance novel about how much I love my iPhone, but I’ll spare you the sap and just say that I love this little gizmo and am very thankful to have it :)