I love my church.
I’ve talked about it before, but I seriously love the place more and more each week.
A team of people from our congregation visited New Delhi, India, at the end of last year. They went to support the efforts of Courage Homes, a ministry that promotes healing, transformation and wholeness for girls affected by trafficking and prostitution.
Having two sweet girls of my own, I’m overwhelmed when I think of these precious little ones being the victims of such horrific acts. I begin to feel hopeless; like there is nothing I can do to help.
But then, small opportunities like this one arise, and I know that every little bit helps…
My church ordered a huge batch of red scarves from WAR International (Women At Risk). These scarves are made by rescued women in India. The purchase of this scarf not only helps WAR International, but our church is sending the proceeds from our sales to Courage Homes where the funds will be used to support their ministry too.
We were challenged to buy a scarf and wear it every day for 30 days to raise awareness and educate others about this horrific epidemic.
It seems like a small thing, but if it helps even one woman or girl it’s totally worth it.
I’ve often doubted that raising “awareness” really makes any difference, but our pastor shared a story with us that changed my mind…
A girl attending the University of Michigan was being courted by an African man who had convinced her that he was a prince. She was falling for him and he was encouraging her to move across the world with him. When she heard about the human trafficking epidemic and how churches are working to raise awareness and funds to help out, it got her thinking about her own situation. Turns out this man was courting several girls from other colleges too and while we don’t know for sure how things may have ended up, the girl broke things off with him and spared herself from a potentially tragic fate.
Trafficking isn’t just a problem in other countries. It’s happening here in the United States too.
You can search FBI.gov for “human trafficking” and also check out Polarisproject.org to learn more about the problem and how to help. The National Human Trafficking Hotline 888.3737.888 is also a resource.
Even though I’m just one woman who feels overwhelmed by this issue, I’m doing what I can by praying often for these precious girls and by wearing my red scarf every day for 30 days (no matter what outfit I’m wearing!). When people ask me about the scarf I’ll be spreading the word and encouraging others to support efforts to help these girls.
Consider visiting warinternational.org to purchase a scarf and wear it for 30 days! You can also donate directly to Courage Homes.
And, if you do nothing else, remember these sweet girls in your prayers.