As most of you know, I’m a full time stay at home mom.
Or SHAM like my mom had in the first draft of her Christmas letter this year. LOL
Sometimes I definitely feel more like a sham than anything. Haha!
Anyway, this means that I’m usually home. I have about a 1 mile radius in which most of my activities occur. Hair salon is down the street, bank is on the corner, church is around the block, dentist also down the street, 3 grocery stores within a couple miles, hospital around the corner, you get it.
I live in a little bubble of real estate for the most part. And I like it that way!
In the dead of winter I usually only venture out to a playdate here and there, but this month I’m gonna be on the go!
Well, I ushered in the month by spending the weekend at my Aunt Becky’s house for a family girl’s weekend. Her home is only about an hour and fifteen minutes from me, but it felt like we were worlds away.
Next, I’m going to Austin, TX this weekend for the IF Gathering. I’ve never been to this conference before and don’t really even know what to expect, but I really felt pulled to be there.
Tickets sold out in something like 42 minutes, so I missed out on getting one at first, but through the generosity of a sweet internet friend who won tickets and gifted them to me, I get to go after all :)
I’ll be rooming with Diana which means there will be lots of staying up late talking & lots of eating amazing food since we are, after all, #foodsoulmates.
I’m praying hard over the next few days that God will prepare my heart for the weekend. When I look over the past two years, I see Him dropping stepping stones out in front of me, inviting me to follow them.
There have been events at church, year-long bible studies and their sequels, retreats, conferences and even books that seem to pop up in front of me. I keep showing up with an open heart, and He keeps teaching me and guiding me into new territory. I feel like He has blown my heart and mind wide open and He’s flooding me with his love and truth. I’m honestly so humbled to be on this journey and so thankful He pulled me out of the muddy pit I was in only a few years back.
The IF Gathering looks like another stone to me, so I’m stepping out and looking forward to what happens while I’m there :)
After that, I have a week to catch my breath and then we’ll be venturing out with Andy to his week-long preceptorship with a doctor up north. It’ll be nice not to be away from him for a week and get a change of scenery, but I’m a little nervous about entertaining my little girls in a hotel room for a week! Fortunately there are some things in the area that look like fun, including a farm that offers horse-drawn sleigh rides and an interactive children’s center. Plus, the hotel has a pool, so I imagine we’ll spend a bunch of time there everyday.
Overall, I’m excited about the month and trying not to get bogged down in all of the logistical details. I sometimes wish for it all to be over with so I don’t have to worry about the details, but that’s no way to face life!
Any of you going anywhere this month? Anyone heading to the If Gathering? I’d love to meet you if you are!