Hey guys!
Andy and I completed our Whole30 journey on Wednesday!! I’m super proud of us for sticking with it until the end. We found this 30 day commitment to be life-changing. Instead of finishing on Wednesday and planning to dive head first into a large pizza, we want to continue eating like this long term.
That’s huge for us.
I wanted to share Andy’s perspective on the whole thing along with my own, so I talked him into doing a video with me! I actually didn’t have to talk him into it…he’s awesome and was very willing to share his thoughts with me on camera :)
Check it out!
Carnitas Recipe! http://popularpaleo.com/2013/01/07/crock-pot-carnitas/
Oh Youtube and the still frames you use for videos! #myface #omg
If you don’t have time to watch the 10:21 minute video, here’s a run down of the questions we covered so that you can skip around to what you want to hear:
0:24 What made you decide to do Whole30?
1:00 How did you feel in the beginning?
1:44 What was the hardest part about it?
2:55 What was the best part about it?
4:03 How do you feel different now that you’re eating this way?
5:38 What was your favorite Whole30 meal?
6:26 What’s one thing (food) you are sick of?
6:58 What are you most looking forward to reintroducing?
8:15 How do you think this will impact you long-term?
9:40 Total weight loss in 30 days?
I also asked my friends on Instagram (@wholedailyrebecca) if they had any questions for us and this next video answers the questions that were posted there. Sorry I didn’t gather these for the video I did with Andy, but we were in a time crunch last night so hopefully you are ok with Drew and I answering them in this video :)
Again, if you don’t want to watch the whole video, here are the questions and corresponding time markers in the video so you can skip to what you want to hear:
0:40 How feasible is it to do vegetarian meals?
1:40 Was it hard at times not to be tempted to eat foods that you weren’t supposed to eat?
2:05 Did you feel hungry all the time or were you satisfied after meals?
3:04 How much more did you spend on groceries? How much time to fix meals daily?
4:36 Do you deliver?
5:18 Did you feed your daughters the same thing you ate?
6:17 Did Andy make it to his Navy weight?
6:41 What was the most filling food you ate?
7:05 Did you try to limit natural sugar as in fruit?
So there you have it! We are big fans of this program and I’m happy to answer any other questions you may have. Leave a comment with what you want to know and I’ll respond!
I’ll be back in my next post with photos of some things we ate over the last month in case you’re curious and not on Instagram.