Andy is currently doing his ER rotation and that means the kids and I are on our own quite a bit lately. He’s going between working afternoon shift and working midnights, so he’s usually gone or asleep which has been sad for all of us.
When he decided to be a doctor, I was so happy for him and for the future of our family, but I don’t think I really realized what it would mean for our schedule.
His OB rotation is next and that comes with crazy hours too, so I’m working on keeping a positive attitude and making fun memories in the mean time.
Yesterday I wanted to get us all out of the house for some fun so Andy could sleep in peace. After thinking through a few options and taking the gloomy weather into consideration, we decided to spend the afternoon at the Detroit Institute of Arts.
I wasn’t sure how it would go with 3 small children, but the day was a great success!
The girls were so well behaved and didn’t touch anything they weren’t supposed to. They really loved the “Eye Spy” activities sprinkled throughout the various exhibits. Grace was able to find all but one of the picture snippets!
Avery was happy to see the sights and she too did an awesome job keeping her hands to herself. For being only 2 years old, I was so impressed with her!
Drew is really easygoing in general and yesterday was no exception. He had fun seeing new things and being doted on by so many other museum goers :)
One of our favorite features was a projection table that walked us through a 3 course french meal. We liked seeing all of the pretty dishes and the yummy looking foods! Grace’s favorite part of the meal was the 3rd course…dessert!
She is sitting with me while I put together this post and I want to capture some of her thoughts on our fun outing, so here’s what she has to say…
I really liked the cakes… that was the dessert. My favorite of all was the plates because they were pink and white and those are 2 of my favorite colors. I really loved the meal! That was amazing. I really liked it so much. I couldn’t even scream because it was so much fun!!!!
And we had so much fun together. I really loved the museum. So that is one of my favorite places to go because it’s so fun and I could even see a horse painting.
Mom let us get a treat. I chose a frosted cookie and milk. It was super yummy and it smelled like vanilla! It tasted like vanilla too and it made my fingers blue. That’s all I want to say.
Avery would hardly sit still for a picture, so it’s blurry but I just love her cheesy smile! Whenever I ask her to smile I get this face. LOL
Drew could hardly stay awake from all the activity. Well that, and it was his nap time.
How cute is he with that thumb?!
After our little snack break, we ventured up to the 3rd floor where we took a quick walk around before getting really tired and deciding it was time to head home.
Admission is free for residents of Wayne, Macomb, and Oakland counties and kids are always free! What an awesome way to spend the afternoon. I only wish I’d have had this idea during the LONGGGG winter.
Have you been to the DIA lately? I want to head back for one of their craft and activity events for the kids. I know they’d love that since they were so interested in being there just looking around. What a special memory that I’ll treasure :)
Grace wanted to “edit” some of our museum pics too, so here are her works of art :)
She could have spent hours working at the computer fancying up her pictures! I think she’s got a future in graphic design!