Easter this year was so wonderful.
It’s the first year I can remember us spending it at home without extended family, and while we do miss everyone so much, this year’s quiet celebration was perfect.
A couple weeks before the big day I brought out the Easter decor bin and added some springy cheer to the house.
Grandma sent a bunch of fun Easter treats for the kids. They love getting mail, and mail from Grandma is always full of goodies!
Over the years through trial and error, Grandma has gotten great at sending goodies that follow the rules:
- no glitter
- no silly putty
- no tiny stickers
Can I get an amen about how awful those items are??? LOL
On Saturday evening we enjoyed our first annual Seder. This is something I’ve wanted to do with our children for many years and now that everyone is a little older and we have finally stopped moving, it was the perfect year to start the tradition.
For those unfamiliar with the Seder, it’s pronounced “Say-der” and it’s a Jewish ritual that includes reading, drinking wine, telling stories, eating special foods, singing, and other Passover traditions.
As a Christian, the Seder is particularly meaningful because it adds so much depth and meaning to what the modern church does for communion.
The grape juice and crackers served at churches across America only tell a small part of the beautiful story of how Jesus fulfilled countless ancient prophesies by dying on the cross to rescue us from our sins.
If you have the opportunity to participate in a Seder, DO IT. You’ll be changed!
Instead of filling plastic eggs with candy or toys for our egg hunt, I tried something new and it was a big hit!
I made a custom puzzle through Shutterfly and put the pieces inside jumbo plastic eggs. Andy and I hid the eggs all around the house the night before Easter, and in the morning the kids hunted for the eggs and used the pieces to build a puzzle that told them where their Easter baskets were hidden! It was so much fun.

Andy and I cracked up about this next series of pictures…
After the egg hunt, the kids played with their new toys all afternoon. Andy and I rested and enjoyed the quiet of not having to go anywhere. We read the kids a few stories about the crucifixion and resurrection and then we all had dinner.
I made my first ham! Well, let’s be honest…all I did was heat it up per the instructions on the wrapping! We also had cheesy potatoes, roasted brussels sprouts and crescent rolls from a can ;)
For dessert we all went crazy over my friend Bonnie’s Deluxe Lemon Bars. They are seriously incredible! Lemon bars just seemed like the perfect springy Easter dessert, and they absolutely were.
It was a simple day but it brought me so much joy. I’m so very grateful for this amazing family I have. God is so good, I literally cannot fathom it.