From time to time a company will contact me to see if I’m interested in checking out one of their products. It’s definitely a fun part of blogging! I never say yes to items that I wouldn’t normally consider using. This is just not that kind of blog and I’d feel like a phony reviewing that kind of item for all of you who know me.
When the Lash Factory emailed me about trying their 3D fiber lashes I was like, ” HECK YEAH!”
Historically I haven’t had a problem with my eyelashes. They weren’t very long, but weren’t short and sparse either. They’ve always had a decent natural curl to them and when I find a mascara that works well for me, I’m usually pretty content with my natural lashes.
After having 3 kids, my hormones must be pretty different. I’ve noticed over the past year or so that my lashes are shorter and more sparse than they ever used to be.
I was wondering if it was a matter of mascara, but I’ve tried a variety of great mascaras and you can just only do so much with what you’ve got.
All that being said, I was very excited about having an opportunity to check out a product that might beef up my puny lashes!
Although it’s outside of my comfort zone, I thought it might be fun to do a little video of my first impressions of the Lash Factory 300x 3D Fiber Lashes.

Since you probably couldn’t see a whole lot of detail in the video, here are some photos…
The left eyelashes might look a little “spidery” but that’s because I made the mistake of applying my normal mascara to the fibers after I finished applying them. The result is MUCH BETTER without doing that, so learn from my mistake :)
The two pics below are of my other eye with the fibers applied, but no additional mascara added. Much smoother!
Aren’t they awesome??
Right now the Lash Factory is having a sale on this item. It normally retails for $29.99 but right now you can grab it for $23.99 which I think is a great deal!
I was skeptical before trying these fibers, but I’ve gotta say I really love them. I’m gonna have a hard time not using them every day!
The Lash Factory was kind enough to provide me with their 300x 3D Fiber Lashes at no charge. I was not compensated in any other way for this post and all opinions stated are my own.

Wow, they look amazing and so do you!!! Sorry about the glittery bow, it’s pretty though, LOL… What does OMFG mean? I know Oh My but FG???
Great job honey, you’re a natural, that’s for sure!
LOL mom! I should probably private message the answer to your question, but OMFG is Oh my &%#$ Gosh! You learn something new everyday :)
OMFG! I want this now! They should give you a promo code for the awesome review ;-)