A house full of food with no real meal plan.
A one year old who’s starting to get upset when she doesn’t get her way.
A three and a half year old who is experiencing God working in her heart and making her more kind and generous.
A medical student husband who is plowing full-steam ahead toward his final exams.
A heart full of God’s goodness and mercy that wants to spill over and hold it all in at the same time.
A dining room floor that cannot seem to stay clean no matter how hard I try.
A cheerio addiction that I keep feeding despite the way it adds to my floor problem.
A dollhouse well worn but loved more than I could have ever anticipated.
A broken night’s sleep, interrupted by pleading cries of a sweet baby girl.
A string of profanities racing through my mind as I stumbled, bleary-eyed out of bed to attend to the babe.
A tall mug of perfectly creamed coffee when I finally surrendered to the idea that I have to be awake.
A magazine full of rich foods and wines…countries and towns I’ll likely never see…a feast for my mind.
A list of people I want to see and spend time with but feel overwhelmed at the idea of.
A to-do list that sits unfinished in my red spiral notebook.
A three year old sitting at the piano in a princess nightgown, pencil to scrap paper, scribbling out imaginary notes.
A one year old napping quietly after a restless night.
A text message from the man I love, telling me how God is relentlessly pursuing him and how beautiful that is.
A loud truck outside the window.
A dusting of snow, dampening the hope that spring is near.
A clock ticking on the shelf.
A congested nose whistling rhythmically while the three year old intensely works her pencil on the paper.
A chattering keyboard sounding out each syllable of this post.
A sense that it’s ok to rest quietly today.
A competing idea that there are things.to.do.
A fleece blanket stretched over my legs and feet.
A writing book tented on the pillow beside me.
A crumpled tissue next to that.
A slim black bible that I actually wanted to read this morning.
A series of old testament passages that encouraged my heart.
A God who loves me more than I’ll ever know.
A feeling that I should close the computer and lay quietly listening to his voice.
Laurie Kroll says
I love reading what is on your heart! I could picture each and every thought… :)