I’m sitting on the couch typing this up while the girls are playing in their “fort” which is basically a fleece blanket tucked over the piano keys and draped across the coffee table.
It’s highly sophisticated. Lol
A Little People Christmas cd is playing and I’m enjoying the glow of the Christmas tree.
Yes it’s still up.
Yes it’s real.
No I’m not worried about it being a fire hazard.
I have no idea when we are taking it down.
Yes there will be a ton of needles to vacuum up.
That covers all the questions, right? :)
It’s warmer outside and my street is covered in a thick blanket of fog.
Breakfast has been eaten and coffee has been brewed.
We’re tossing around the idea of going to the zoo today, but part of me can’t imagine the idea of leaving the cozy house to walk around outside for any length of time.
I think the girls would do well with a big dose of fresh air, and I want to take advantage of our zoo membership at least once this winter, but man I’m not feelin’ it right now.
It will ultimately come down to what Andy feels like doing. When he puts in a strong vote it always inspires me to rally the troops :)
Yesterday was a super relaxed day for me and the girls. Andy was back to school for one of the first full days in a really long time, so we were back to business as usual. But instead of writing up a big to-do list for myself, I kind of just rested and chilled with the girls all day.
I did one load of laundry and made dinner but otherwise was pretty unproductive.
Normally that makes me get all twitchy and I start thinking about how I’m wasting time or falling “behind” in some race I’ve conjured up for myself, but yesterday I was ok with it.
I had a hot chocolate date with my friend Donna on Wednesday evening and we talked about the crazy whirlwind of things overwhelming my mind. The things frustrating me and challenging me and inspiring me and just plain consuming me.
She listened and offered up some good perspective. She’d just written a blog post about not wearing ourselves ragged to please God.
About not making some long, grandiose list of resolutions for 2014, but to remember Jesus’ comforting words…
My yoke is easy. My burden is light.
Matthew 11:30
When asked about the greatest commandment, Jesus replied…
Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself. All the Law and Prophets hang on these two commandments.
Matthew 22:37-40
So when I get lost in a vortex of thoughts or beat myself up about not doing enough or not doing it right, I’m losing sight of these wonderful truths.
Following Jesus isn’t supposed to be a cruel and harsh burden. There are really only two things to be concerned about.
The rest will fall into place.
Makes me sigh with relief :)
On the heals of meeting with Donna and coming home to read her blog post, I also spent some time with my friend Rochelle.
She’s always super fun and encouraging and I love how she approaches life so differently than I do. She loves God and loves her family but doesn’t get as worked up as I do about all the little details.
As I listened to her talk about different things and situations she was concerned about, I could tell she cared but it was SO REFRESHING how she didn’t get swept up in it. She had a sense of calm because she honestly believes God has it under control. That He loves all the people involved even more than she does and that’s enough.
I can’t even tell you how much that helped me see my own situations so differently!
I’m beyond grateful for the people in my life and for the God that I follow.
I’m also grateful for relaxing Fridays and cozy Saturdays at home without an agenda.
Ask me if I’m grateful for one million pine needles on the floor in a couple of weeks when we finally take our tree down and I may have another answer!
Reading your post just made me smile inside and out.. I am glad you think so highly of me :) I loved spending time with you and think it really needs to happen WAY more often. Also so I have to say I love to see what other people think of me from an outside view.. (I know I am defiantly not perfect (oh gosh not that word!)but it is nice to know I may be a little (or alot in Gods eyes) special) I will say I have really been trying to focus on the things that matter and of course that is God. I feel like sometimes we as humans just are too negative. On the fact that “I know God loves my people more then I do and that he has it under control”.. .I love the message I heard from the pastor at the funeral I attended yesterday…he was talking about John 3:16 and if we really understood what the verse was saying and the words he spoke just keep ringing over and over again in my brain.. “YOU are precious..YOU are irreplaceable, YOU are un-matchable (ok i made that word up)” these are the words and things that our Father and KING (GOD) thinks about us.. WOW it is so hard to put my head around that!! and he went on to say Do you know if you were the only one here on this earth..Jesus would have still died on the cross for you!.. Talk about something to think about. I truly believe all God really cares about is Love! So I am trying my hardest to practice it, show it, and surround myself in it :) I just had to share.. (I guess I should have (maybe I will) blogged about this!! Anyways all this to say I LOVE YOU REBECCA and think you are awesome!:)