I guess I don’t really have writer’s block necessarily.
It’s more like general anxiety over what to write.
Which sounds silly as soon as I sit here and type it out, but it’s honest.
I love this blog. I really do.
I love posting recipes and things God is teaching me and the general everydayness of my life.
But once in a while I feel kind of paralyzed about what to write.
I feel like I should be posting recipes several times a week so that I can be a food blogger and grow my reach online. The spinach artichoke pasta recipe that I posted has been pinned over 11,000 times which blows my mind.
But then I feel like God is teaching me so many incredible things and I want to share those too.
And then I think about how much I love to read blogs about people’s lives….what their kids are up to, the outfits they are wearing, how they are preparing for the holidays, and that kind of stuff.
So I just don’t write.
I look at the laptop sitting on the counter and I sigh and walk by it.
Wanting to write the perfect thing or post the next big recipe, but feeling overwhelmed that I don’t have the right stuff to put out there.
Motherhood is taking just about every ounce of my effort lately. My girls are so good and generally sweet, but they require much of me. Physically, emotionally, spiritually they draw from me all day. Every day.
I feel like an over-milked cow who just wants to find a pile of hay and lay down.
And I’m not even nursing either of my kids!
It’s like emotional breastfeeding. Lol
God is drawing me more and more to Himself in these long, draining days. I know that His presence is all around me and that He has the power I need.
It’s taking me less time to relinquish control and ask Him for an extra measure of mercy and grace for my children.
That’s a victory for a control freak like me.
And, at the end of the day, I’m so grateful for where I’m at in life. Even when the girls soil the third outfit of the day and have to go potty as soon as I sit down for a late lunch and the house that I JUST CLEANED is in shambles. I’m glad I get to be here for it all.
Walks around the autumn-colored neighborhood in the middle of the day on a Tuesday and morning snoozes while the baby naps and Grace plays nearby are blessings that I don’t want to overlook just because I’m restless and drained.
These days pass quickly, as everyone tells me. I know the parenting part only gets harder as they grow up, and I know that as hard as I try I will never be able to do it perfectly.
So for now, I wake up each day and try to surrender sooner. I look for things to be grateful for rather than focusing on all the hard parts.
And I blog it out. As disorganized as these thoughts are, it feels good to get them out.
Laura says
I can relate to you 100%. I love blogging but lately I am torn between the effort and time it takes to create blog posts and the loss of time I have with my kids because of it. It’s gotten to the point where I am so worn from it, that I almost just want to stop blogging. I sit down to write my posts and just feel so un-inspired. I’m exhausted from everyday mother/wife tasks and I haven’t even gotten everything that needs to be done, done… and now I have to come up with something to write about. I’ve been sticking with it, hoping that this is just a speed bump and I’ll be able to overcome it and start to become passionate about it again. But who knows. Lately I just want to focus on the now in my life, not blog posting.
Thanks for the post! It’s great to know that I am not the only one going through this : )
Rebecca says
Thanks so much for taking the time to leave a comment :) Lately I’ve just been feeling so tapped out, and it’s comforting to know I’m not the only mom struggling. I think it’s a good outlet, and I’m glad you’re sticking with it too! :)