Well it’s day 12 and things are going SO well. We are obviously going through all of the things that new parents go through…OMG does her belly button look ok to you?! OMG can we get a professional to cut her fingernails so that we don’t cut her?! OMG is she feeding long enough on each side?!
Fortunately we have Google to calm our fears…she’s absolutely perfect and all the little things we’ve I’ve freaked out have been nothing at all to worry about. She’s been to 2 checkups with the Pediatrician and she’s been right on track at both appointments. I really love her doctor (Dr. Roi at Eastlake Pediatrics). She’s very warm, caring and down-to-earth. I feel totally comfortable with her and actually look forward to our next visit (not till 2 months!). It’s been such a blessing to deal with amazing medical professionals during this whole process. Wendy our midwife was wonderful throughout all of my prenatal visits and even more so during my labor and delivery. The nurses we had were also fantastic! Now Dr. Roi is exactly the kind of doctor I was looking for. Praise the Lord!
This whole experience has been very different from what I expected. I thought I would be euphoric about being pregnant, but I actually found it to be very uncomfortable. I thought I would read every book and listen to every podcast about pregnancy, but I barely made it through the Bradley book before my labor. I thought I would be super tough and that labor wouldn’t be very hard for me, but it was the hardest thing I’ve ever done…I wanted to give up at several points in the process, but I managed to make it all the way through without any meds! I thought I would sob when I met my baby girl, but instead it was as if the world went still. I was neither high nor low (for once in my life!) but rather totally balanced. It was as though everything was right with the world. There was no need for drama…just serenity. She went right from the womb to my chest where she laid for a whole hour just staring up at me. I lost track of time and just held my wet, sticky little blessing close to my heart. I’ll never forget that special time we had. Wendy was busy stitching me up (I tore a little since Grace didn’t really crown very long due to a giant push that I had at the end) and cleaning up the room and I didn’t even notice….I was in another world.
Since we’ve been home things have been going very well. Grace is eating well, we’re both sleeping well and we’re getting into a nice routine. We had an influx of visitors the first week we were home and that was a little too much for us, so this week has been quiet and very nice. It will be awesome to get the “go ahead” to start moving around again. I’m still on modified bed rest due to my high blood pressure, but I have a checkup on Monday and I’m hoping I get the green light to start moving around again. I’m excited to take Grace for walks and get back to cooking and cleaning (well maybe more cooking than cleaning!).
For now I’m just thankful for the giant blessing that we’ve been granted.

So I think you had it correct the first time, with the”we've” freaked out, but the we is you and Ellen :)
I really enjoyed reading this post and it made me remember so many precious things about the birth process with you. I especially remember reading the coaching part of the Bradley book the first night in the hospital, trying to catch up enough to be worthwhile during the labor process. So many wonderful memories.
One question though, why is there no picture of Grace's dad in this blog? ;)
I adore all my babies!!! You are all so wonderful and treasured more than you know…
Boy oh boy do I love my Gracie Girl…. Grandma's Grace! She is a wonderful blessing who is much like her name…