I actually got up early yesterday morning and went to the gym!! I’m really not a morning person, but I was so excited about my new endeavor that I dragged my butt out of bed. I worked out for about 35 minutes and then headed home to get ready for work. Normally I sleep as long as possible and then rush around trying to get out the door on time, but there is definitely something to be said for getting up early and giving yourself enough time to get ready. Yesterday I worked out, showered, ironed a shirt, and got gas before work! I felt so much more calm and in control of my day.
We had our small group last night so I stayed up later than usual talking which made it harder to get up this morning. On top of that, it was dark, cold and rainy which made me want to bury into the covers and sleep all day. So, I didn’t go this morning, but my gym is open till 10:30pm Monday-Thursday so I went tonight! I decided to go after 8:00 since it’s busiest from 4:30-7:00. I don’t like having to wait around for machines or feel like I’m being watched, so it worked out great to be there later in the evening. I did 35 minutes of cardio and about 30 minutes of weights…I feel fantastic!!
I’m hoping I can keep this up!

Hey Sweetie,
I am cheering you on, you have what it takes, and I love how you see that discipline really pays off!!!
That’s my girl…
Loving you,
Mom :)
Way to go, girlfriend! Just be careful not to hurt yourself by pushing too hard… your body has to get used to what you’re putting it thru now! I’m so proud of you, Rebecca! Way to go!!! xoxo