On Sunday afternoon after raking leaves around our church’s neighborhood, Andy and I settled in to watch a movie. He suggested that we watch Anne of Green Gables. Andy bought me this movie (my ALL TIME FAVORITE movie) for Christmas a couple years ago. He even agreed to watch it with me during the holiday break! What a guy! Well, on Sunday he suggested we watch it again since it has been so long. We watched the first 4 hour half on Sunday and then last night we watched the second half. I always come away from that movie so inspired.
Anne is such an amazing character. Her background is tragic, yet she finds herself taken in by an initially apprehensive but eventually unconditionally loving elderly brother and sister. Because of her temper, Anne gets into all kinds of predicaments when she is young, but she grows into a lovely and inviting woman full of love and grace. She is able to face all the toughest, most prickly people along the way and somehow draw out the goodness that exists within their abbrasive exteriors. Anne is very dramatic, fun-loving, serious, smart, caring, compassionate, brave, determined, kind, selfless, humble and persistant. She has a way of interacting with people that breaks down all their walls and captivates them. I really can’t seem to come up with enough words to really capture the kind of person she is.
When the movie ended I mentioned to Andy that I want to be more like Anne. I want to be more concerned about others than myself. I want to love people right where they’re at and find the good inside of them no matter how buried it may be. I want to be caring and serve others while maintaining a sense of strength. I want to always do my best and face challenges with an optimistic attitude. I want people to go away from spending time with me and be better and happier than they used to be. Andy reminded me that the things I love about Anne are the things I love about Jesus. I mustn’t forget that He is not only God, but that He was a man who influenced the world more than any other. He embodies all the things I love about Anne of Green Gables. As I draw near to Him, I will be more like Him and see some of those things I hope for become a reality in my life.
Andy says
To my Rebecca with a “cca”, the correct and more beautiful way to spell it ;)
I cannot wait to see what God draws out of you over the next few years. He has already made you more lovely in the three short years we have been married. You care so much about people and you are so genuine and so intelligent, it’s hard not to think of you like Anne. I love you sweetie.
Anonymous says
Great analogy Rebecca. Thanks for sharing it. Love, Dad gould
Ruth says
Ya know, I’ve never read the book or seen this movie! I thought it seemed a bit boring, but maybe that was just because whoever did the review I read, obviously didn’t have the passion & insight that you do! Now I’m totally interested! And just for the record, when you spent time w/me hanging out, I felt happy & that our time together was the definite highlight of my day!
Mom says
You brought tears to my eyes… I love you for your deep insights into things. I agree with Kari, you are like Anne with an “e”.
I am so thankful that you are my daughter, I am sooo proud of you!!!
Love, Mom :)
Kari says
Rebecca, I know you don’t think it, but I think you are already like her.