On Friday night Andy and I got to see our out-of-town friends Mike and Laura. They were in town for Mike’s parents’ 50th Anniversary Celebration but were able to carve out time to visit with us on Friday night. We already had Aaron and Kari over visiting and then Brad and Andi dropped by, so before long we had a party on our hands. We mostly chatted and caught up with each other, but we also ate yummy blondies and vanilla ice cream. I recently found the blondie recipe and made them for our small group. They are simple and very yummy.
On Saturday we went to Blakes Cider Mill. The benefit of going so late in the season is that the place is practically empty. It was nice not to have any pushing and shoving or long lines to contend with. The downside is that you don’t get to watch the cider being made or have a good chance at getting hot donuts. We still really enjoyed ourselves. I didn’t take any pictures…there just wasn’t anything worth taking. Next year we’ll have to hit Yates so that we can walk the trail and get pictures.
We also rented several movies over the weekend. Hitch was hysterical…I haven’t laughed out loud for a movie in ages. I love Kevin James and Will Smith was perfect as the date doctor. It was also pretty clean…always refreshing in today’s day and age. We also watched Fever Pitch which was really cute. The dvd had some issues in the middle of the movie, so the flow was thrown off, but it was still a cute film.
Today is back to the daily grind. I am really enjoying my new red hair though. I posted pictures for a little while, but then decided it would be more fun to surprise people in person. So, if you want to see it, you have to see me.
jeanne says
Thanks for the recomendation. We enjoyed it.
karen says
true true, I can’t believe I know nothing about this. apparently we haven’t gotten together enough
Anonymous says
Not fair about the hair. You’ll probably have changed the color by the time I see you at Christmas!
belovedone1023 says
Red hair!!! I can’t wait to see it. I’m off to Nashville for a few days but then I’m back and I’m not going any where else till February!